Friday, March 18, 2016

onion website review - Parazite

onion website review

Hello, on this post I will give you another onion website review, this time Iam going to talk about Parazite

Parazite is a repository for .onion websites and hidden services, but does more then just a normal “repository” function, mainly because it seems to be managed by a really crazy person, at least with a very weird sense of humor (just like me). And also because it looks really good, as great uptime and is well organized with lots of information.

This is the .onion link for Parazite main webpage: http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion

The “main” website list is sorted by this categories:

Liberty & Privacy
Hacking, Phreaking, Anarchy, Virii, Cracking
Warez : Dupecheck/BitTorrent/P2P
Warez : Finnish BitTorrent Trackers
Suicide & Euthanasia

The categories are self explanatory so I will not explain what each one of them are... But I will say that not all of those link to forbidden downloads or .onion websites. Most of the links there are for the official pages of the applications or services, on the open net (.com, .net ,etc).

But if you are looking exclusively for .onion webpages, Parazite does offer a “Random” .onion button that will take you to one random .onion webpage from the 4.5k .onion pages they have on their database.

parazite main game

Sometimes I stay clicking the Random .onion button just for the fun of it, I get some good pages and a lot of empty/dead pages, the ratio is probably 1/10 1 good for 9 bad :) But anyways it is better then playing with Stumbleupon. You should give it a try.

After you explored the links Parazite as to offer, if you click on the “logo” or just press this direct link:

It will take you to another part of the page, this seems to be a giant blog with the most diverse subjects you can imagine, ranging from politics, to drugs, some warez, passing by security, wars, terrorism, religion; a bit of everything, it is an interesting read.parazite blog fullpage

Now you know about another very interesting .onion webpage.

As always, If you enjoyed this article please do share it by using the social buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc)

Really soon, I will update with another onion website review, some downloads, good tips, etc. you will need to pass by again to see what changed.

Stay tuned I will upload something new very soon, thanks.


  1. To a newbie just discovering the deep web and the hidden wiki (which isn’t all that “hidden”) it does at first glance seem to contain some possibly dark links. However, a deeper investigation into these alleged hearts of darkness rumored to contain real illegal drugs and weapons smuggling, pedophilia, torture, murder, hitmen for hire, cannibalism, human trafficing, satanic cults, and government files on stuff like UFOs/aliens/area51/illuminati conspiracies, are at long last revealed to be mostly FBI STING operations, scammers, or hoaxes. Most of the really dark and maddening material does not exist at all except on Redit, Creepypasta and YouTube (we all know just how unreliable those sources can be). As for the rest though, other than a bunch of down and broken links with weird names, there is absolutely no proof or validity to any of these ridiculous claims about ” dark web”. And as for TOR, don’t be lured into a false sense of security just because it uses a flashy word such as “anonymity”. The deep web is plastered with multiple legal warnings clearly stating that any and all traffic and activities on the deep web are monitored and traced 24/7 by FBI and other government agencies. Even other online apps you utilize are monitored once you download TOR, so it is just the opposite of anonymity, it opens you up to constant scrutiny by the government. As for drug and weapon sites on the deep web, they have all been busted and site owners arrested and then reopened later under slightly different names and are yet to be shut down even with the FBI’s prying eyes meaning those sites are probably nothing more than STING operations setup to catch petty criminals who think they are safe because they’re drug heads who can’t think properly because they’re so fried already. Others are just naive idiots who want to see some sick garbage or purchase something illegal and don’t think they can be busted because it hasn’t happened yet and because TOR promised anonymity regardless of the fact it was the government who created the entire thing to begin with. So yeah, been there, explored, and came to the conclusion that it is all BS people. My advice is don’t be so naive to believe everything you see, hear, or read on the internet people. Dark Web vpn for torrenting

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  3. The biggest problem I have is loading that directory to TOR. I have always wanted to explore the darknet, butI never really knew how. You're research is awesome and i have slowly started to understand what this darknet is all about, but i still don't know really how to work it. maybe i need to research some more.
    Joseph Donahue

  4. Awesome hub! I've heard about the darknet but didn't know how to access it. I'm always looking for something different on the internet. Thanks so much! I'm going to pass this info along to others. Great hub.

  5. This is fascinating. I had only ever heard of the idea of a "darknet" in the broadest terms, so I'm glad to have a firmer grasp on the concept. I am intrigued and quite curious.

    Harold Burton
