Monday, March 21, 2016

iOS security - Improve your iOS system

iOS security

You just got a new Iphone?

The system is the second operating system most used on smartphones, tablets, ipads, etc. It is a specially design system by Apple to run on their hardware.

This system is already quite secure out of the box, but yet you need to take some basic steps to improve your iOS security!

With this article I will give you 7 easy things you can do to tune up your iOS safety without performing a JAILBREAK.



So lets get down to business.

iOS security in 7 steps

First you should get iOS 8 or later because after iOS 8 you got the option to create a full disk encryption upon setting up a password.

So Tip number 1- Update you iOS system to at least version 8

Tip number 2- Set up a password, but make sure it is not a 4 digit pin code because they are extremely easy to crack, make at least 8 digits password and mix lower case, uper casem numbers and symbols.

Tip number 3- Delete all apps and services that are a part of PRISM (, applications and services like Google DNS service, facebook, or yahoomail, can and will give away your personal data to the higher bidder.

Tip number 4- Go to Settings, location services and turn it off. that way you the phone will stop tracking your location everywhere.

Tip number 5- Go in Settings->General->About and change your hostname to something other then the "default"

Tip number 6- Get the application Signal (Signal app download) Signal is an app that offers you end to end encryption, so you can talk and send text messages to any of your contacts is a safe way

Tip number 7- Finally despite using Signal, you can still be tracked down by the network you are using, to avoid this you must get a safe VPN service. I recommend you tu use the Vyper vpn service, but please do your own research to fit your own needs.








Hope you found this post useful! As always please do share it by using the social butons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc) Son't forget to leave a comment.

Stay tuned for more updates very soon  and keep your iOS secure!

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