Friday, February 19, 2016

The best hacker in the world

Who is the best hacker in the world?

Earlyer today I found a blog that I went to visit.
One of the posts that catched my eye was “Who is the greatest “hacker” in the world?” I went in and found this text:
The Best “Hacker” in the World
Posted on March 18, 2013 by securefreak

Today I was asked by a good friend of mine “Who is the greatest
“hacker” in the world?”. After thinking about it for several hours
I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to know. I say
this because in my opinion the “greatest hacker” is the one that
has never been caught in whatever his/her endeavors have been.
There are people such as ex-hacker Kim Dotcom for example, who all
though very impressive and I must give credit where it is due, is
very talented, was still caught and did serve time in jail. Maybe
it is just my skewed view of the hacker community but there has to
be another individual who has come away with more information and
damage and has never been caught. Any people reading this post
please feel free to comment and give your opinion on who you
believe is the “greatest hacker in the world”.

In the text he talks about Kim Dotcom as his favorite/best hacker in the world.
He is a very talented programmer, obviously as great skills, he is the fundator of Megaupload which was a great service for file sharing.

But is supposed "acctions" as an Hacker was basically all about carding and bank fraud. In my opinion thats not an hacking, that's stealing, so he would be a good candidate for the best technology thief?
In my opinion the best hacker in the world is no other then Kevin Mitnick. Kevin Mitnick


In my teens I would always listen about him, he was like an hero, at that time the Internet was far far away from what it is today,
there was not exactly a way to scam and steal millions online like there is today.
So Kevin Mitnick started is hacking "ascension" as a phreaker just for the fun and excitment of it. As is knowledge grow stronger with the force :) He started doing more advanced stuff like messing with mcdonalds drive throug computers, the police, etc.
Not make this post longer then it needs to I will simply post the wikipedia page about him And a video to a great interview Kevin gave to Google backin 2011 where he goes deep and personal about most things, its a 52 minutes movie really worth watching.

Offcourse like everyone eventually he got caught :) and older, he moved away from phreaking and hacking illegally and started doing it legally by starting his own safety company and giving speeches all around the world.

For all of this and much more Kevin Mitnick is in my humble opinion The best hacker in the world, hands down.

I know there are a lot of different opinions over there about who is the best hacker in the world, because the "Who is" kind of questions are always personal, feel free to tell who is your best hacker in the world on the comments :)

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