Saturday, February 13, 2016

Be 100% anonymous

Staying anonymous and safe online is crucial wither or not your into fraud, hacking, or otherwise. I
did not write this guide, however ill add some amendments that I feel are important and missed.

1.) Where ever any guide ( like this) tells one to use Ubuntu Linux.... do not and use Ubuntu. The
reasoning is that with the newest additions of Ubuntu, they index and record your filesystem and
searching habits for juicy data they sell a dime a dozen to the man.
Some nice alternatives are:
-Linux Mint
-Arch Linux

2.) Encryption. Its not hard. You have Truecrypt and your silly HTTPS but thats not enough.
When ever I contact my Darknet buddies I always use GPG encryption 4096 bit RSA to ensure my
messages, even if my connection got sniffed, never get read by the LE.
Some nice practices are:
-Truecrypt your partitions, VHD's, and other important files you need safe, always use a
hidden partition with false files and such ... idk go to hackfourms or torrent books about
backtrack to make it look juciy yet dry.
- Use GPG for contacts
here's a nice link
-Encrypt your homefolder when you install the OS of your choice

3.) Believe it or not, all the encrpytion,tor,vpn, vps's, and proxies will not save you if you don't do
one simple step... change your fucking mac address everytime.
In linux:
-install macchanger
Code: Select all
ifconfig interface down
macchanger -r interface
ifconfig interface up

4.) Do not upload pictures online taken by your phone, there have been a few Anonymous hackers
caught and are rotting in jail atm. Whenever one takes a pic with said phone, it embeds it with a
GPS cord of where you took that pic. Plus there could be features within the picture itself that can
give away who you are.

5.) Leave your ego for Call of Duty and your buddies. The more you talk about yourself, the
more the other guy or LE can build a profile on you. If your talking about how hitler did nothing
wrong on /pol/ all day while hacking Israel with #OPIsrael ... your gunna get caught real fast.
Topiary got nailed for bragging on Xbox Live.
6.) A word about DNS.... never use your ISP's even with daily activities.

That pretty much cover's it, when I get more time and resources i'll post more. Im gunna take
initative and try rebuilding the content of this website to the best of my ability. Luck for you guys I
copy pasted a lot of the good tidbits and from other places. Don't expect fraud copy pastes from me
though, the Wiki is alive and well.

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