Sunday, February 28, 2016

Eduardo Galeano Tribute

Eduardo Galeano, was a Journalist, a Writer, a philosopher, but specially a real Rebel!


Eduardo Galeano tribute


This post is a tribute I make to one of my idols. Eduardo Galeano.

Iam not going to enter in great details about his life, for that you can find much better results like this Wikipedia link.

But still Iam going to give you the normal details:

Name: Eduardo Germán María Hughes Galeano

Nationality: Uruguayan

Death: 13 April 2015

For the rest of the stuff you really should check Wikipedia. And a bog I found with great information About Eduardo Galeano:

Now, about how I got to know the work of Galeano?

A few years ago (2009), I was taking part on a lot of social movements across Europe; specially where I live in. When we are with other activists, we are not only talking about how to destroy the police and take the government down :) (sometimes we do but not always).

One day, a friend told me about the work of Eduardo Galeano, and how much he could relate what was happening in Europe at the time, offcourse I went to research him and found the books "memories of fire" those were the first three books I read from Galeano but much more would follow.

A few years after I got to know him, he become really mainstream by his appearance on the Spanish Occupy movement, where he gave the most amazing interview you can see in this video: (Spanish only sorry) No point in trying subtitles to English they are all wrong :(


There are some greate quotes from this Interview, one that I like the most is:
“Este mundo de ‘mierda’ está grávido de outro!”

That means: "This shitty world is pregnant with another one"

This because people were complaining against several "injustices" and Galeano point is: Maybe the world is not perfect now, but with this persons rising up it will become.


And this brings me to the next video I show you, this time translated into English. The right to dream.

In it Galeano approaches several topics but mainly focus on World injustices and what should change by using the right to dream.


This last video I chose to show you it's named "Vivir sin Miedo" or "Live without fear" Is an amazing video to exemplify all the wisdom and sweetness of this amazing men.

In it Eduardo Galeano appeals every person to live without fear in a way they can act to change the society were they live in.

These are small videos, around 10 minutes each. I recommend you watch them and after search for related videos there are hundreds of videos from Eduardo Galeano on youtube, not all of them in English, but its never too late to learn Spanish :)

Offtopic - The quote I have on the image on the start of the post was taken from this interview.


As always please do share this post to the world.

You can use the buttons bellow to easily share it on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, etc.

Security Tips for Firefox and TOR browser

One of the best browsers available for general purposes use is the Mozilla Firefox browser.tor logo

If you like your online privacy and security, you really must download the Tor browser version! See how to HERE

Even with the Tor browser, we can still add some extra safety tweaks to make it better.

To do this you need to open the menu (top right) and select Add-ons. (as alternative you can just type about:addons on the url part, it will bring up the same window).

Here we can search for extensions on the Mozilla browser, and there are very useful extensions we can get to get that extra layer of security and anonymity.

Iam going to suggest to you 5 essential extensions for your privacy and security.

Top 5 extensions for Privacy and Security on the Firefox browser:

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Soylent News, .onion website review and link

Soylent News. A great website to find news that are not exactly "mainstream" is Soylent News

And you can find this website using the TOR browser.

Just follow this easy steps: 1- download Tor Browser. 2- Install it. 3- Now when you first run it you can open the onion link for Soylent News webpage. http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion

About Soylent News

Soylent News is a community driven news website, were everyone can submit their story, if they wish to in an anonymous way.


soylent news

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Useful information and tips

After some time I decided to give you some more good tips, so here they are:













Friday, February 26, 2016

Patiently waiting for UFC fight night

To lighten the mood off this blog.

Getting tired of posting all the tutorials and security info.

On this post I will talk about the return of one of my favorite fighters Anderson (the Spider) Silva.





asilva record









File Slack - What is it?

Understanding File slack

To understand file slack, one first needs to understand how disks are organized at the lowest level.
As can be seen in the diagram below, disks are subdivided into a set of tracks.
- These tracks are further subdivided into a set of sectors and collection of sectors form together to make a cluster.
- If you write a 1 KB file that has a cluster size of 4 KB, the last 3 KB is wasted.

This unused space between the logical end‐of‐file and the physical end‐of‐file is known as slack space.
The perhaps somewhat unexpected consequence from this is that the file slack contains whatever data was on the disk before the cluster was allocated, such as data from previously deleted files. Using file slack, it would be possible not only to recover previously discarded (and potentially sensitive information) information, but also to effectively hide data. The ability to hide data arises because the operating system does not modify data within a cluster once it has been allocated. This means that any data that is stored in the slack is safe (provided the files size does not change).

file slack[ads1 adsenselinks=""]

Thursday, February 25, 2016

steganography use it to hide a text file on a image

Now Iam going to teach you a very easy way to hide a text document inside an image file.
This process is called steganography. I already talked about it in this previous post LINK but I did not give any tutorial.
Iam making one now with step by step instructions and some visual help :)
The best part about this, is that you do not need any special software to do it! a simple comand line under Windows will do the trick.

Lets Start the Instructions:

For this tutorial I am going to hide a text file inside a jpg image.
step11- Choose an image and a text document
1.2- Create a new folder on your hard drive, in my case I named my folder "a"
1.3- copy the text and the image file inside the folder, to make it easier in further steps you can rename the files with short names like 1 for the image and 2 for the text.

Ok step one is done, now you should have something on your computer similar to the image on the left.




Step 22-
Open a Command Prompt window. To do this go to the start menu and write cmd, then just click on the Command Prompt icon (I suggest you press CTRL+SHIFT and click the icon to run as an administrator)
If a new window with letters appeared then you are almost done! (Image on the right).



3- To proceed we need to locate and access the folder where we have our files. To navigate through the command prompt you need to use the cd command. Write cd\ and press the enter key.
3.1- Continue and write cd a (if a is the name of the folder you created on the first step)
3.2- You are inside the folder a. But just to make sure everything is in place write dir and press enter.
3.3- You are going to see the name of the image and the text document. If you renamed them as I said, you got 1.jpg and 2.txt
insert the following command: copy /b 1.jpg + 2.txt hiddentext.jpg
Press enter


Dedicated to the script kiddies out there!


I want to dedicate a video to the script kiddies out there, on the dark and the public web alike.
On this video we can see a scene from Jurassic Park in which dr. Ian Malcom gives a speech to mr. Hammond explaining what is wrong in using the technology to create Jurassic Park.

First the video, then I explain why.

deep web (basics, myths and opinion)

The deep web.deepweb

First and foremost, if you are new to the theme and have no idea about it, I recommend you read this previous article I made where you can read how to enter on the deep web.


If you already know hot to enter the deep web you can skip it and start reading this post :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hansa Market on the deep/dark web

'Login __ HANSA Market' - hansamkt2rr6nfg3_onion_loginHello, in this post Iam going to tell you about one of my favorite markets on the deep/dark web.
The Hansa Market.
Here is the onion link: http://hansamkt2rr6nfg3.onion/

First I will start with the basics, what is a dark web market?
Basically a dark web market is a webpage located on the Tor network, using a .onion domain.
You can only access it using the Tor network. And on this "market" users can sell goods and services to eachother under a big level of anonymity.

VPN service What is it?

VPN serviceA VPN service is a must have to remain anonymous on the Internet .
Altough it is far far away from being enough to be anonymous, it is a vital step for security reasons.

Not only for shady reasons like if you are trying to hack or card some website, but because a good VPN service provider can guarantee you that your real IP is hiden from every user that attempts to locate you.

What is a VPN service?

For a start I recomend you take a look at Wikipedia in this LINK

If you are not in the mood to read right now, what it says in a nutshell is that a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service that extends your local network across a public network. Not following?
I will make it easier for the reader.
When you connect your PC at home to the Internet you are creating a "private network" in this case the network can be a single computer (your's)
After you connect to the Internet, to be able to browse websites, chat, skype whatever you need to use the TCP/IP protocol. And you need to share your IP with the other person/computer/service to be able to use it.
When you share your IP address people can find a lot of information about you, just like sharing your home address, that is why search engines like Google automatically load in the right language for you.
What a VPN service provider does is: It connects to the Internet on the USA, logically it gets an US IP address. Then the service allows you to connect directly to him, and when you make anything online the information travels through the VPN service instead of your own Private Network, that way your real IP is kept hidden and websites don't know where you really are.

I will approach this topic with much more detail later on, right now Iam going to leave you with several VPN Links, you can also read the information on their websites, check the prices, and choose the best one to fit your needs.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

IRC for tor. How to Setup and configure

How to set up IRC for Tor using Pidgin as a client. pidgin for tor

On this post I will approach the IRC. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and basically is an online chat room. Very popular during the 90's it started to die slowly when msn came out, then ICQ and social websites killed it completely.

But IRC is still a great tool to learn stuff and meeting new people.

Groups like Anonymous frequently use IRC services to organize and exchange ideas, you can read more about Anonymous HERE.

Offcourse this kind of groups catch the interest of the authorities, so using irc with tor was one of the ways to keep them self's away  from harm.

After this brief introduction I will give you step by step instructions on how to set up IRC for tor.


1. Download your IRC client. Personally, I use Pidgin. The link is provided for you:

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hacker how to define it

In this post, I categorize hackers into three groups that reflect different levels of experience and capabilities.

My objective is not to propagate any stereotypes but merely to create a framework so that we can talk about the other side and their skill levels. This information is provided to facilitate an
understanding of the different types of people who are commonly called hackers.
Security professionals have started using the term cracker to refer to malicious computer hackers.hackers

Unfortunately, the media and general population have given the term hacker a negative connotation, so we use it to describe any person who attempts to access a system through unauthorized channels. This chapter also presents a profile of information security professionals and discusses popular hacker and information security myths.

Categorizing hackers by the technology they deal with can be


5 Hacker Myths VS the reality

hackers meme

All the perceptions of hackers and their portrayal in movies and entertainment have lead to the development of hacker myths.
These myths involve common misconceptions about hackers and can lead to misconceptions about how to defend against them.
Here we have attempted to identify some of these hacker myths and dispel common misconceptions.

List of the hacker myths Iam going to discuss:

  1. Hackers are a well-organized, malicious group  

  2. If you build it, they will come

  3. It is safe if you hide in the tall grass.

  4. Security through obscurity

  5. All hackers are the same


10 more .onion links with descriptions

The deep web is really huge! Even bigger then the surface web. But not everyone knows about good .onion links. That's why Iam giving you 10 more .onion websites, some of them already extabelished sites like a famous dispousable mail service, or Demonoid a great torrent tracker. Even Facebook as opened is gates to Tor users with its official .onion adress you can check it below on my list!
The advantage of entering this websites with the .onion domain is obviously to keep yourself as anonymous as possible.


Here is the List!


1- Demonoid - demonhkzoijsvvui.onion - The big torrent tracker .onion website

'demonoid_pw' - demonhkzoijsvvui_onion

.onion domain what is it and how to enter it?

onionIf you find a website ending in .onion and after you clicked the link an error page appeared.
That happened because you probably do not have the Tor browser installed on your system.
you can read how to install the Tor browser in this post:
With everything installed and running, now you can open you .onion link on your Tor browser.

But .onion domain what exactly is this?
A .onion is a top level domain just as .com or .net, with the difference it is not spread through the regular Internet dns system, instead it uses the Tor proxy to protect the privacy from both the publishers and it's users!
You can read all the details in the wikipedia link:

but there is not much more to it. .onion domain in a nutshell, is a top level domain allocated in the Tor network that must be accessed through the Tor network.
You can find 10 good .onion websites in this post with topics ranging from Cat trivia to hired assassination services :)

We also offer you several .onion links on the right panel of your browser from posts that I already made on this blog.
I hope I was clear with this post, any questions do not hesitate to leave as a comment, thanks.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

10 Deepweb pages and its description + onion link

So you just started on the Deepweb but you only know about open web websites right?
Downloaded the Tor Browser, un it. Everything is ok, you connect successfully, you get the main search engine but you get the same kind of webpages and few onion pages?
Thats because onion pages owners do not advertise that much, ´but in this Article and some more to follow I will give you some great pieces of information about Deepweb pages, where to find them and what they do.
Today I have chosen to do a list with 10 onion websites, with topics ranging from cats trivia to hiring assassins :) Thats how vast the deep web can be!

Ok lets start the list of 10 Deepweb pages plus descriptions, screeshots and links :)



1 Hidden Wiki - Everyone knows about wikipedia right? But did you know there is an hiddenwiki on the deep web? The differences between the hidden wiki and regular wikipedia are: The Hidden Wiki is censorship-resistant. It can be anonymously edited whitout any register that can be used to trace back to you, it works with .onion domain which can be accessed only by using Tor And its active community try their best to keep it safe for veryone.
Here is the onion link: http://hiddenwk7qnvvpfo.onion


'The Hidden Wiki' - hiddenwk7qnvvpfo_onion_index_php_title=Main_Page

Friday, February 19, 2016

The best hacker in the world

Who is the best hacker in the world?

Earlyer today I found a blog that I went to visit.
One of the posts that catched my eye was “Who is the greatest “hacker” in the world?” I went in and found this text:
The Best “Hacker” in the World
Posted on March 18, 2013 by securefreak

Today I was asked by a good friend of mine “Who is the greatest
“hacker” in the world?”. After thinking about it for several hours
I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to know. I say
this because in my opinion the “greatest hacker” is the one that
has never been caught in whatever his/her endeavors have been.
There are people such as ex-hacker Kim Dotcom for example, who all
though very impressive and I must give credit where it is due, is
very talented, was still caught and did serve time in jail. Maybe
it is just my skewed view of the hacker community but there has to
be another individual who has come away with more information and
damage and has never been caught. Any people reading this post
please feel free to comment and give your opinion on who you
believe is the “greatest hacker in the world”.

In the text he talks about Kim Dotcom as his favorite/best hacker in the world.
He is a very talented programmer, obviously as great skills, he is the fundator of Megaupload which was a great service for file sharing.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Free anonymous email from Sigaint

This time I will show you how to obtain a free Sigaint email and explain some of its advantages and features, because everyone loves free stuff on the Internet!


SIGAINT - Secure Darknet Email' - sigaintevyh2rzvw_onion

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Premium Cards from

Hello, in this post I will talk to you about one website that catch'd my eyes and got me into all the darkweb markets.

the webpage is this: http://slwc4j5wkn3yyo5j.onion

The name of the website is Premium Cards and the owner claims to be selling credit cards with balance that can be used worldwide, with and without pin.

This is from their website:

premiumcards premiumcards







account creator extreme free download and instructions

Hello, in this post Iam giving you a freebie (almost giving it, sorry for using share cash) for an amazing small program named Account creator extreme

This program can be purchased on most markets on the darkweb for around 5-10 usd, and it is used to create accounts on free popular webpages like Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Yahoo, etc.

Offcourse you can do this manually by yourself but it is time consuming. Account creator extreme allows you to save time by doing all the hard work for you, logging into the websites, inserting name, email, phone number, address, etc for you. It even creates a free disposable email for you to use for the account and saves all the login details for you!

The only step you will need to intervene is in the "captcha" step, you will need to insert the captcha yourself.

For some of the webpages you do need to signup with a phone number, like in Yahoo, if you do not want to use your own phone for fake accounts you can always receive the text message using the services of some websites like this one Link. I will make a post about receiving confirmation sms from websites later on :)

Here are some of the features from Account creator extreme:

Automatically Creates Accounts On 20+ Websites Including Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, And Many More (Except Captcha)
Bot Maker (create your own bots and automate webpages)
Smart Autofill (submit even on unsupported sites)
Manual Submitter (submit to custom email sites with the autofill menu "right click")
Generates Full Profile With One Click
5 Built In Disposable Email Services (One Click)
Real Names and Usernames (Editable)
Proxy Support
Advanced Profile System
Advanced Settings
Customizable Theme
Handy Rightclick Autofill Menu
Over 200,000 Built In Names

Transparent Proxies in Squid

With, the extremely uncontrollable growth in the number of Hackers, not only system administrators of servers have to worry about the security of their system, but even if you are running a  standalone PPP Linux box, you simply cannot afford to ignore your system's security, to prevent that you need to configure a transparent proxie.
If your system is the main server which communicates with the external untrusted network called the Internet, or even if you simply use your linux box to connect to your ISP and surf the net through PPP, then you should definitely think about installing a firewall on your system.
The preferable and the best option in this case is to install a commercial firewall. However, this option is not always possible and is more often than not unnecesarry. Buying, installing and configuring a good commercial firewall is not only expensive but most beginners find it pretty formidable.

OK, I do not want to go through the hassle of a commercial firewall, what do I do?

Well, 'ipchains' hold the key for you.
The Firewalling code in the Linux Kernel changed considerably after the release of Kernel 2.2. Since then, a lot of new utilites and features have been added. Amongst these improvements, is a kewl feature called 'ipchains', which is primariarly used for configuring the firewalling rules and other such related details.

In this manual, we will learn about how to use ipchains to configure a transparent proxy on your linux box.
So what exactly is a transparent proxy?
Well, a transparent proxy is basically something which fools the client (who connect to the server running the transparent proxy) into believing that they are directly connected to the web server (and not through a proxy.). OK, I am sorry, that is not exactly the correct way to describe it. ;-) Read on for a better description.

Well, a transparent proxy works in the following manner: It listens to a specific port (like the HTTP port i.e. 80) for any connections. As soon as it gets a request for a connection (in this case a HTTP request for a file.) then it redirects the user i.e. connection to another port on the same machine. Now this new port to which the connection is transferred is actually running a Proxy.
So, in affect what happens is, the client i.e. the user who connects to the server where the transparent proxy installed,
assumes that it is directly connected and is communicating with the HTTP daemon. However, the truth of the matter is that all communication is being carried out via the proxy running on the server. All this would be clearer when you see the below picture of what happens:
Client --------> Server(Port 80 or HTTP)transparent proxy

The rules of the ipchains transfers client to the port where the proxy is running. So, now the communication takes place in the following manner:


Client --------> Server(Port of Proxy) --------> Server (Port 80 or HTTP)
So, the connection to Port 80 is indirect, however the client has little idea about it.
Now, that you know the working of transparent proxies, let us get down to configuring them on your machine.
However, before we get down to the actual process, you need to check whether this is possible on you system or not. Simply look for the file:
If you have this file, then well and good, else you will have to recompile your Kernel. However, I am sure almost 98% of you would definitely have this file.
NOTE: In this case, we will be transferring all connections from Port 80 to Port 8080 where Squid runs by default.
You could always transfer connections to any proxy port of your choice, by changing the revelant parts. I have taken up Squid, as it is the most common one.

Firstly, in order to transfer all connections from Port 80 to Port 8080, add the following lines to your startup script, so that they are executed each time you boot up.

Note: The server IP is xxx.xx.xx.xx
ipchains -A input -p TCP -d www-j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -p TCP -d xxx.xx.xx.xx/32 www-j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -p TCP -d 0/0 www-j REDIRECT 8080
NOTE: If you are using ipfwadm, then add the following lines to the startup script:
ipfwadm -I -a-a -P tcp-s any/0 -D
ipfwadm -I -a-a -P tcp-s any/0 -D xxx.xx.xx.xx
ipfwadm -I -a-a -P tcp-s any/0 -D any/0 80 -r 8080
Once this is done, then configure Squid by following the below process. Please note that you need atleast Squid 2.x
to be able to make use of Transparent Proxies. Anyway, to configure Squid, edit the, /etc/squid/squid.conf file and make the following changes:
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
Then,restart Squid by typing:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid.init restart

Voila, your transparent proxy is configured and running!!! Anyway, have fun and watch out for updated versions of
this manual.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Best free application to watch movies online

On this article I will let you know of a small and free application that you can use to stream movies and TV shows online, with no need to download the torrent.

the name of the application is Popcorn Time


Popcorn Time is changing the way people consume their entertainment needs in this day and age.
We launched March 14th 2014 after the first open source project was launched and ever since then we've only been getting better and bigger!!
Our vision is to have Popcorn Time available on every platform that can play video and every operating system out there.
We're here to stay And Popcorn Time will always be free.

Live the moment, enjoy life and make the internet free 4 all.

Popcorn Time Team

(UFC) Conor McGregor vs The Mountain (Game of Thrones)

One of my hobies is to watch MMA and the UFC.
If you follow the sport, you probably already know there is a new player out there named Connor McGregor

Connor McGregor

He is riding a fifteen fight winning streak and is scheduled to face Rafael dos Anjos on March 05 for the UFC lightheavyweigh title.

His professional record is 19-2-0 (Wins, loses, draws)

Birthday: 1988-07-14
AGE: 27

Country - Dublin, Ireland
Height - 5'8" 172.72 cm
Weight - 145 lbs 65.77 kg
Association: SBG Ireland

Class: Featherweight but will probably move to lightweight

I just happen to stumble into this video from Conor, I believe it was made around the time that he was getting ready for the Siver fight, in the video we see what seems to be a sparring session between Gregor Clegane AKA The Mountain from Game of Thrones, against the notorious Connor McGregor UFC featherweight champion after his flash KO to the old champion José Aldo. And I just find it nice so I post it why not :) enjoy the video below.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Darknet dictionary

Here I will put a long post.. its a darknet dictionary, there may be some useful terms that you did not know the meaning, take a look.


From wikipedia: is a code-term used primarily in North America that refers to the consumption of cannabis and by extension, as a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture or simply cannabis itself. Observances based on the number 420 include smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m. (with some sources also indicating 4:20 a.m
Also known as the special sale when the vendor Tony76 executed the most famous Scam on Silk road.
In charge of a collection of services a year or two ago, including TorStatusNet, Hidden Image Board, a hosting service.
An online market. It is operated as a Tor hidden service, such that online users are able to browse it anonymously and securely without potential traffic monitoring. The website launched in December 2013. It is part of the Deep Web. It has been recommended in some way by the same guys of BTCfog.
Any digital cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin, altcoin – any digital cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.
This thing you want to have if you dont want to be found while using dark net markets.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day:

Windows key + R = Run menu

This is usually followed by:
cmd = Command Prompt
iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management
services.msc = Services
eventvwr = Event Viewer
dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services
Windows key + E = Explorer

ALT + Tab = Switch between windows

Start with Carding

OK, so you want to card, eh? You see that Mac portable that's $5000, and know you could handle one.

You don't have to save up for 3 years to get it either.
The answer is CREDIT CARD FRAUD. It's a multi-million dollar a year fraudulent scheme for those who know how to do it.
All you need to do is invest 2 minutes of you time to get ANYTHING that you want.

Basic Carding Tutorial

By this article I hope most of beginners will find answers of their most main
and chain – if you’l enter card in any place you see you won’t get stuff. Mainly this
chain includes two people – who card the stuff and who this stuff accept. For the
beginner do this both thing by himself is almost unreal. So let’s explore it deeper.

How to Use PGP

First I will give you a brief description on what PGP is:

Basically PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, it is a program that allows the user to encrypt and decrypt any type of data. The most common use  (at least on the dark net) is to encrypt the text messages you send, particularly between vendors and customers .

It is vital not to send your details unencrypted because odds are you are getting watched by someone you don’t want to know the contents of the message.

Now back to PGP:

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Deep web and Dark web

Most persons already heard about the deep web, most of us have no idea of what it really is or how to access it.

On this post I will tell you all about it so keep reading



I was listening to Spotify when I stumbled accross this Metal band named Sabatton, I leave you with this great videoclip:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Private vs. Public IP Address

A private IP address (assigned by the owner’s wireless device) is assigned per device in the network from a DHCP pool. DHCP pulls a list of available IP addresses and assigns it when a device is attached to the network. A certain IP address is not assigned to a specific device (there is no static mapping) therefor people cannot use IP addresses to located your specify device. Static IP addressing can be used, but typically is not used in a home environment. When you connect to a wireless device, it is possible that it changes each and every time you connect, depending on what else is connected to the network. Also, unless the IP address is currently leased out, nobody will be able to look in a log (typically) to determine what IP address what connected when. 

The other IP address is known as a Public IP address. This type of address is what your ISP (Internet Search Provider) uses to identify you. When you log into a website, this is the IP address that is logged. 

When you use proxy or VPN services, the Public IP address that is hidden and the VPN/proxy IP address is exposed. If somebody has your IP address, they can get the geographical location of where you live whereas your ISP has your name, telephone number, home address, and whatever else you have given them. Lastly, when you are connected to a person directly (DCC, video chat, P2P, etc.); they can also log your Public IP 

what happens to deleted data and how to securely delete it

A common misconception that computer users have is, when you delete a file, it is completely removed from the hard disk.

However, you should know that highly sensitive files such as pictures, passwords, chat logs, and so forth still remain on the hard disk.

Even after they are deleted from your recycle bin, they are still located on the hard drive and can be retrieved with the right software.

Take for example when you use WinRAR to extract the file that someone sent you.

The program extracts the data to a temporary file before it reaches its destination on your hard disk; this may lead to a data leak. Any time that a file is deleted from a hard drive, it is not erased. What is erased are the bits of information that points to the location of the file on the hard drive. The operating system uses these pointers to build the directory tree structure (the file allocation table), which consists of the pointers for every other file on the hard drive. When the pointers are erased, the file essentially becomes invisible to the operating system.

The file still exists; the operating system just doesn't know how to find it.

Creating Secure Passwords

The problem with passwords is they are usually too easy to crack or they are too hard for the users to remember. 

Therefore, both of these problems should be considered when creating a new password. Start by creating a password that is at least 16 characters. 

Use as many different types of characters as possible, including: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Never reuse a previous password and never use the same password for more than one account. Don’t use password‐storage tools, whether software or hardware. Make sure that your password does not include anything identifiable such as: names, usernames, pet names, or words in a dictionary. Lastly, make sure that the password is not too hard for you to remember so you don’t forget the password or have to write it down or save it.


Another good form of encryption is steganography which is the act of hiding data within text, graphic files, or audio files.

The purpose of this method is so that nobody will know that there is a private message inside the medium (photo, document, etc.) because it is hidden.

Let’s say Bob wants to send private messages to Steve over a public forum read by numerous people. Bob grabs a picture, puts a hidden message inside and uploads it to the website. nobody knows the message is there except for Steve, which is able to save the picture to his computer and read the message hidden inside.

Forensic examiners will need to be looking at each individual file to determine if steganography was used. So for example if you have 1000 pictures, they will need to go through each and every one to determine which ones have steganography and which ones do not.

Using steganography is as easy as downloading the right software from the internet.

I started up by downloading one of the more popular freeware tools out now: F5, then moved to a tool called SecurEngine, which hides text files within larger text files, and lastly a tool that hides files in MP3s called MP3Stego. I also tested one commercial steganography product, Steganos Suite. These tools may contain backdoors as with all encryption programs therefor should not be used with data you are trying to hide from any party that may hold the decryption key.

what is Computer encryption

Computer encryption is based on the science of cryptography, which has been used as long as humans have wanted to keep information secret. The earliest forms of encryption where the scytale’s and the creation of cipher texts. These forms of cryptography would rely on both parties knowing the key used or the correct cipher before the message could be delivered. Here's an example of a typical cipher, with a grid of letters and their corresponding numbers:

1 2 3 4 5
1 A B C D E
2 F G H I/J K
3 L M N O P
4 Q R S T U
5 V W X Y Z

If a general wanted to send the message “I love ponies” he would write the series of corresponding numbers: 42 13 43 15 51 53 43 33 42 51 34. Only the person with this cipher text would be able to reach the message. Now obviously, to make the message more difficult to decipher, the letters inside the table would be arranged differently. Computer encryption uses algorithms to alter plain text information into a form that is unreadable. Most people believe that AES will be a sufficient encryption standard for a long time coming: A 128‐bit key, for instance, can have more than 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 key combinations. Today’s AES standard is AES 256bit encryption which has 256 ^ 2 possible combinations.
As we said before, there are many reasons for encryption. One purpose of encryption is the act of transforming data from a state that is readable to a state that cannot be read by a third party that does not have permission. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext).

The reverse process, i.e., to make the encrypted information readable again, is referred to

as decryption (i.e., to make it unencrypted). It is also important to know that the word  ncryption can implicitly refer to the decryption process. For example, if you get an encryption program, it encrypts information as well as decrypts it.

There are two types of encryption that should be used for two different purposes: symmetric (private key encryption) and asymmetric (public key encryption). Symmetric encryption is used the most because it is fast, easy to use, and is the most widely needed. You will use this form of encryption when there is only one password being used (such as TrueCrypt or another simple file encryption utility).

Asymmetric encryption on the other hand uses two keys, one to encrypt information and the other to decrypt the information.


Encryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in such a way that eavesdroppers or hackers cannot read it, but that authorized parties can.

Using cryptography three purposes are fulfilled:

1- confidentiality

2- integrity

3- non‐repudiation.

Encryption has long been used by militaries and governments to facilitate secret communication. It is now commonly used in protecting information within many kinds of civilian systems. Also, many compliance laws require encryption to be used in businesses to ensure that confidential client data be secured if the device or data is stolen. In this section I will be talking about using encryption for confidentiality and integrity. Non‐repudiation is used, but is not normally implemented for our purposes.

Tor IRC servers and channels

An IRC client allows you to enter Tor chat rooms to talk to many individuals at one time. You will need one with proxy settings so you can run the client through Tor.
Make sure to NOT use DCC as it can expose your IP address.
There are several IRC servers that run over Tor (.onion addresses) that you can use. They are all logically connected, so connecting to one will connect you to all.

IRC Servers
Here is a list of the Tor IRC servers (note that all servers are linked):

  • Mixie: 4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion (Down)

  • FTW: ftwircdwyhghzw4i.onion

  • Renko: renko743grixe7ob.onion (Down)

  • PB: jkpos24pl2r3urlw.onion (Down)

  • Nissehult: nissehqau52b5kuo.onion

IRC Channels
Here is a list of some of the popular Tor IRC channels (ordered by user count at the moment of writing):

  • #public

  • #torchan

  • #cams

  • #security

  • #hackbb

Setting up TrueCrypt, Encrypted Hidden Volumes

If you save anything on your computer, it is likely that you do not want just anyone to be able to see what you have saved. You want a way to protect that information so that you can access it, and absolutely no one else except those you trust. Therefore, it makes sense to set up a system which protects your information and safeguards it against prying eyes.
The best such system for this is called "True Crypt". "True Crypt" is an encryption software program which allows you to store many files and directories inside of a single file on your harddrive.
Further, this file is encrypted and no one can actually see what you have saved there unless they know your password.
This sounds extremely high tech, but it is actually very easy to set up. We are going to do so, right now:

1. Go to (or go to, and click on "Downloads")
2. Under "Latest Stable Version", under "Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000", click "Download"
3. The file will be called "True Crypt Setup 7.0a.exe" or something similar. Run this file.
4. If prompted that a program needs your permission to continue, click "Continue".
5. Check "I accept and agree to be bound by these license terms"
6. Click "Accept"
7. Ensure that "Install" is selected, and click "Next"
8. click "Install"
9. You will see a dialog stating "TrueCrypt has been successfully installed." Click "Ok"
10. Click "No" when asked if you wish to view the tutorial/user's guide.
11. Click "Finish"
At this point, TrueCrypt is now installed. Now we will set up truecrypt so that we can begin using it to store sensitive information.

1. Click the "Windows Logo"/"Start" button on the lower left corner of your screen.
2. Click "All Programs"
3. Click "TrueCrypt"
4. Click the "TrueCrypt" application

And now we can begin:
1. click the button "Create Volume"
2. Ensuring that "Create an encrypted file container" is selected, click "Next"
3. Select "Hidden TrueCrypt volume" and click "Next".
4. Ensuring that "Normal mode" is selected, click "Next"
5. Click on "Select File"
Note which directory you are in on your computer. Look at the top of the dialog that has opened and you will see the path you are in, most likely the home directory for your username. An input box is provided with a flashing cursor asking you to type in a file name. Here, you will type in the following filename:
You may of course replace random.txt with anything you like. This file is going to be created and will be used to store many other files inside.
Do NOT use a filename for a file that already exists. The idea here is that you are creating an entirely new file.
It is also recommended though not required that you "hide" this file somewhere less obvious. If it is in your home directory, then someone who has access to your computer may find it easier. You can also choose to put this file on any other media, it doesn't have to be your hard disk. You could for example save your truecrypt file to a usb flash drive, an sd card, or some other media. It is up to you.
6. Once you have typed in the file name, click "Save"
7. Make sure "Never save history" is checked.
8. Click "Next"
9. On the "Outer Volume" screen, click "Next" again.
10. The default Encryption Algorithm and Hash Algorithm are fine. Click "Next"
11. Choose a file size.
In order to benefit the most from this guide, you should have at least 10 gigabytes of free disk space. If not, then it is worth it for you to purchase some form of media (such as a removable harddrive, a large sd card, etc.) in order to proceed. TrueCrypt can be used on all forms of digital media not just your hard
If you choose to proceed without obtaining at least ten gigabytes of disk space, then select a size that you are comfortable with (such as 100 MB).
Ideally, you want to choose enough space to work with. I recommend 20 GB at least. Remember that if you do need more space later, you can always create additional TrueCrypt volumes using exactly these same steps.

12. Now you are prompted for a password. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. READ THIS CAREFULLY

The password you choose here is a decoy password. That means, this is the password you would give to someone under duress. Suppose that someone suspects that you were accessing sensitive information and they threaten to beat you or worse if you do not reveal the password.
THIS is the password that you give to them.
When you give someone this password, it will be nearly impossible for them to
prove that it is not the RIGHT password.
Further, they cannot even know that there is a second password.

Here are some tips for your password:

A. Choose a password you will NEVER forget. It may be ten years from now that you need it.
Make it simple, like your birthday repeated three times.

B. Make sure it seems reasonable, that it appears to be a real password. If the password is something stupid like "123" then they may not believe you.
C. Remember that this is a password that you would give to someone if forced. It is *NOT* your actual password.
D. Do not make this password too similar to what you plan to really use. You do not want someone to guess your main password from this one.
And with all of this in mind, choose your password. When you have typed it in twice, click "Next".

13. "Large Files", here you are asked whether or not you plan to store files larger than 4 GIGABYTES.
Choose "No" and click "Next"
14. "Outer Volume Format", here you will notice some random numbers and letters next to where it says "Random Pool". Go ahead and move your mouse around for a bit. This will increase the randomness and give you better encryption. After about ten seconds of this, click "Format".
15. Depending on the file size you selected, it will take some time to finish formatting.
"What is happening?"
TrueCrypt is creating the file you asked it to, such as "random.txt". It is building a file system contained entirely within that one file.
This file system can be used to store files, directories, and more.
Further, it is encrypting this file system in such a way that without the right password it will be impossible for anyone to access it.
To *anyone* other than you, this file will appear to be just a mess of random characters. No one will even know that it is a truecrypt volume.
16. "Outer Volume Contents", click on the button called, "Open Outer Volume"
An empty folder has opened up. This is empty because you have yet to put any files into your truecrypt volume.


This is the "Decoy". This is what someone would see if you gave them the password you used in the previous step. This is NOT where you are going to store your sensitive data. If you have been forced into a situation where you had to reveal your password to some individual, then that individual will see whatever is in this folder. You need to have data in this folder that appears to be sensitive enough to be protected by truecrypt in order to fool them. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

A. Do NOT use porn. Adult models can sometimes appear to be underaged, and this can cause you
incriminate yourself unintentionally.
B. Do NOT use drawings/renderings/writings of porn. In many jurisdictions, these are just as illegal
C. Good choices for what to put here include: backups of documents, emails, financial documents,
D. Once you have placed files into this folder, *NEVER* place any more files in the future. Doing so may damage your hidden content.
Generally, you want to store innocent data where some individual looking at it would find no cause against you, and yet at the same time they would understand why you used TrueCrypt to secure that data.
Now, go ahead and find files and store them in this folder. Be sure that you leave at least ten gigabytes free. The more the better.
When you are all done copying files into this folder, close the folder by clicking the "x" in the top right corner.
17. click "Next"
18. If prompted that "A program needs your permission to continue", click "Continue"
19. "Hidden Volume", click "Next"
20. The default encryption and hash algorithms are fine, click "Next"
21. "Hidden Volume Size", the maximum available space is indicated in bold below the text box.
down to the nearest full unit. For example, if 19.97 GB
is available, select 19 GB. If 12.0 GB are available, select 11 GB.
22. If a warning dialog comes up, asking "Are you sure you wish to continue", select "Yes"
23. "Hidden Volume Password"

Here you are going to select the REAL password. This is the password you will NEVER reveal to ANYONE else under any circumstances. Only you will know it. No one will be able to figure it out or even know that there is a second password. Be aware that an individual intent on obtaining your sensitive information may lie to you and claim to be able to figure this out. They cannot.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you choose a 64 character password here. If it is difficult to remember a 64 character password, choose an 8 character password and simply repeat it 8 times. A date naturally has exactly 8 numbers, and a significant date in your life repeated 8 times would do just fine.
24. Type in your password twice, and click "Next"
25. "Large Files", select "Yes" and click "Next".
26. "Hidden Volume Format", as before move your mouse around for about ten seconds randomly,
tehn click "Format".
27. If prompted "A program needs your permission to continue", select "Continue"
28. A dialog will come up telling you that the hidden TrueCrypt volume has been successfully
Click "Ok"
29. Click "Exit"
Congratulations! You have just set up an encrypted file container on your hard drive. Anything you store here will be inaccessible to anyone except you.
Further, you have protected this content with TWO passwords. One that you will give to someone under threat, and one that only you will know. Keep your real password well protected and never write it down or give it to anyone else for any reason.
Now, we should test BOTH passwords.

disable your swap space on Windows 7

*This instructions are recommended for advanced users only. If you are not comfortable doing this, you may
safely skip this step.*
Instructions are less verbose than usual, as these steps are intended for advanced users only. If you do not fully understand these instructions, skip this step.
1. From Control Panel, go to "System and Security".
2. Click on "System", and then choose "Advanced system settings" in the left-most menu.
3. Under the "Advanced" tab, under "Performance", click "Settings".
4. Under this "Advanced" tab, under "Virtual Memory", click "Change"
5. Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file sizes for all drives"
6. Select "No paging file"
7. Save, reboot, and follow these same first 5 steps to confirm that "No paging file" is still selected.
This means that you have successfully disabled your swap. This means that *nothing* from RAM will be inadvertently saved to your harddrive.
To resume using SWAP again, simply click "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives."
You can switch between these two modes as you desire.
Generally speaking, your computer will run fine without a swap file, provided you have enough RAM.

Securing Your Hard Drive

Being able to browse anonymously is one thing. However, you may choose to download and save sensitive content or material to your computer which you wish to keep private. This may include reading sensitive documents, viewing pictures, or storing any kind of sensitive data.
If you save *anything* to your computer's harddrive, then it is possible for someone who has confiscated your computer to determine what it was you saved. This is often true even if you delete the content. For example, suppose I use the Tor Browser and I navigate to a website containing a sensitive document that I wish to read. If I saved that document somewhere on my harddrive, then it is possible for someone else to find it. If I *delete* that document, it may still be possible for someone to undelete it.
Further, even if I never save it to my harddrive but I simply look at it using my word processing software, it may still be saved in a number of ways including:

1. Often programs keep records of filenames. The filename alone is often enough to incriminate
2. Often programs keep parts of the content viewed saved for various reasons, such as for
searching. This can include random excerpts of text, thumbnails of images, and more. Often this
"partial" data is more than enough to prove what the original data was. Often the "partial" data is
itself incriminating.
3. Sometimes, especially if you are running low on system memory, your operating system may choose to use your hard-disk as a temporary RAM. This is known as "SWAP". Normally, whenever you turn off your computer, whatever was in RAM is deleted. However, the data that goes to your SWAP may persist and it may be possible for someone to see what content you had open in your programs if that informationis saved in RAM.
Generally speaking, you *must* have a plan to secure any content that is saved to your hard disk.
Therefore, this guide would be incomplete if we did not thoroughly address this. First, there are two kinds of such content:
1. Deliberately saved content.
2. Inadvertently saved content.

Deliberately saved content refers to content that you have chosen to save on your harddisk so
that you can access this content later. We will address how to do this later in the guide.

Inadvertently saved content refers to content that is saved by programs you use, or your operating system. You have no way to even know what this content might be. Therefore, this is the most dangerous. You may browse and find a dozen sensitive documents, utterly delete them, and some program may have saved the file names and excerpts of the data. This will render your previous efforts futile.
Content that is inadvertently saved to your harddisk comes in two flavors:
1. Content that is saved to your SWAP space.
2. Content that is saved by applications running on your computer, including your operating system.
The surest way to prevent content from writing to your SWAP space is to disable your SWAP space altogether.
This may result in your computer running a bit slower than normal, and may mean that you cannot use ram intensive games and applications during the time your SWAP is disabled.
Therefore, if you use this method, simply turn back on the SWAP when you want to use those ram intensive applications.
Also, you may choose not to take this step.

Here is how to disable your swap space if you are using Windows 7:

The next issue we need to address is how to prevent applications and/or your operating system from saving content inadvertently that you do not want saved. For this, we are going to set up a "Virtual Machine".
A "Virtual Machine" is like a computer inside of your computer. Everything you do inside the Virtual Machine (vm for short) will be fully contained within itself and no one will be able to see what the vm has been doing. Ideally, you want *ALL* of your sensitive computer usage of any kind, TOR or NON TOR, to take place within a vm. In this way, you can keep everything private that you wish while still using your computer fully and getting the most out of it.
Don't be afraid of this sounds complicated. This guide will take you through every step slowly and

Tor Browser Using and Testing it for the first time

Now you have successfully downloaded and installed the Tor Browser Bundle. LINK torbrowser

You are no doubt anxious to begin using it.
First, click on the "start" menu icon, the icon in the lower left of your screen with the windows logo.

On the top right will be a listing that says "You","Documents", "Pictures", "Music"... "You" of course will be replaced by your user name. Click on "You", the top most link.

This will open up your main user folder.
Now, locate the folder called "Downloads" and double click on it.
Next, inside the "Downloads" folder, double click on the folder called "Tor Browser".
Lastly, double click on the application: "Start Tor Browser" When you do, you will see the Vidalia Control Panel appear, and you will observe as you connect to the TOR network. When this is complete, your web browser will open up and will automatically connect to the web address: This is to confirm that you are in fact using TOR.
If you have followed this guide correctly, then you will see the following green text, or something similar:
"Congratulations. Your browser is configured to use Tor."
Now you can use this web browser the same as any other. You can go to any website you wish, and neither your ISP or anyone else will be able to see where you are going, or what you are doing.
However, there are still issues that need to be resolved, so don't begin browsing just yet.


If you fill out a form containing your email address, your name, or any other sensitive information while using the TOR browser, be aware that sometimes it is possible for an observer to see that information.
When using TOR, use it to access websites and content that you are *not* connected to via your real identity or any username or nick name which links to your real identity.
Let TOR be for anonymous browsing solely.
Do your online banking, or any other activities involving your real identity using your normal web browser.



Obtaining Tor Browser

The first step to becoming secure and anonymous online is to setup and install something called "Tor".

"Tor" is short for"The Onion Router".
The concepts behind Tor were first implemented by the United States Military, and these principles have been used to create an extremely secure mechanism for being anonymous online. In fact, millions of people world-wide use Tor to browse the internet and communicate anonymously.
Tor works by heavily encrypting your communications so that no observer can see what website you are really going to, and what information is really being sent. It all appears as a bunch of random characters to any observer.
You simply use the Tor web browser just as you use any other web browser.
Tor takes care of the rest.

However, Tor by itself is not enough.
Even when using Tor, a user can be compromised in a number of ways.

First, some websites can be set up to attempt to reveal someone's true IP address (their true identity) by tricking their web browser or other software to transmitting that information.

For this reason, anyone who uses Tor will recommend that no one have javascript or flash turned on while browsing Tor.
In this guide however, I will show you a much better solution.
The second issue is that of human error. Even if you have Tor installed, you may accidentally forget which browser to put in a link.
You may also accidentally click on a link from another program, such as a chat program. That program might then load the link you clicked on into a non-Tor browser.
When you are using Tor, you must be careful *constantly* that every link goes into the right browser, and that you do not accidentally click the wrong link.
So then, let's begin. Obtaining the Tor Browser is easy. Simply go to the following website:

Once here, you may feel free to read more about what Tor is and how it works, or you may proceed to immediately download Tor.


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Here is how to do so:

1. Click on "Download Tor", or "Download".
2. You will see text that says, "The Tor Browser Bundle contains everything you ned ... Just
extract it and run. Learn more >>
3. Click on this "Learn more" link. for the "Tor Browser Bundle"
4. Assuming you are an English speaker, you would choose the top-most link "English (en-US)".
Otherwise, pick the language
best suited to you.
5. The file being saved will be named: tor-browser-1.3.18_en-US.exe
It is ok if the number is not exactly 1.3.18, there are new versions of Tor from time to time. At
the time that this guide was written, 1.3.18 was most current. By the time you are reading this, a
more current version of TOR may exist.
6. Run this file.
7. You will be prompted to extract this to a directory. By default, it will be set to
C:UsersYouDownloads This is perfectly
ok. You can also choose a different directory if you wish.
8. Click "Extract"
That's it. Tor Browser is NOW installed. Time to test it out!


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Be 100% anonymous

Staying anonymous and safe online is crucial wither or not your into fraud, hacking, or otherwise. I
did not write this guide, however ill add some amendments that I feel are important and missed.

1.) Where ever any guide ( like this) tells one to use Ubuntu Linux.... do not and use Ubuntu. The
reasoning is that with the newest additions of Ubuntu, they index and record your filesystem and
searching habits for juicy data they sell a dime a dozen to the man.
Some nice alternatives are:
-Linux Mint
-Arch Linux

2.) Encryption. Its not hard. You have Truecrypt and your silly HTTPS but thats not enough.
When ever I contact my Darknet buddies I always use GPG encryption 4096 bit RSA to ensure my
messages, even if my connection got sniffed, never get read by the LE.
Some nice practices are:
-Truecrypt your partitions, VHD's, and other important files you need safe, always use a
hidden partition with false files and such ... idk go to hackfourms or torrent books about
backtrack to make it look juciy yet dry.
- Use GPG for contacts
here's a nice link
-Encrypt your homefolder when you install the OS of your choice

3.) Believe it or not, all the encrpytion,tor,vpn, vps's, and proxies will not save you if you don't do
one simple step... change your fucking mac address everytime.
In linux:
-install macchanger
Code: Select all
ifconfig interface down
macchanger -r interface
ifconfig interface up

4.) Do not upload pictures online taken by your phone, there have been a few Anonymous hackers
caught and are rotting in jail atm. Whenever one takes a pic with said phone, it embeds it with a
GPS cord of where you took that pic. Plus there could be features within the picture itself that can
give away who you are.

5.) Leave your ego for Call of Duty and your buddies. The more you talk about yourself, the
more the other guy or LE can build a profile on you. If your talking about how hitler did nothing
wrong on /pol/ all day while hacking Israel with #OPIsrael ... your gunna get caught real fast.
Topiary got nailed for bragging on Xbox Live.
6.) A word about DNS.... never use your ISP's even with daily activities.

That pretty much cover's it, when I get more time and resources i'll post more. Im gunna take
initative and try rebuilding the content of this website to the best of my ability. Luck for you guys I
copy pasted a lot of the good tidbits and from other places. Don't expect fraud copy pastes from me
though, the Wiki is alive and well.

Be 100% anonymous

Staying anonymous and safe online is crucial wither or not your into fraud, hacking, or otherwise. I
did not write this guide, however ill add some amendments that I feel are important and missed.

1.) Where ever any guide ( like this) tells one to use Ubuntu Linux.... do not and use Ubuntu. The
reasoning is that with the newest additions of Ubuntu, they index and record your filesystem and
searching habits for juicy data they sell a dime a dozen to the man.
Some nice alternatives are:
-Linux Mint
-Arch Linux

2.) Encryption. Its not hard. You have Truecrypt and your silly HTTPS but thats not enough.
When ever I contact my Darknet buddies I always use GPG encryption 4096 bit RSA to ensure my
messages, even if my connection got sniffed, never get read by the LE.
Some nice practices are:
-Truecrypt your partitions, VHD's, and other important files you need safe, always use a
hidden partition with false files and such ... idk go to hackfourms or torrent books about
backtrack to make it look juciy yet dry.
- Use GPG for contacts
here's a nice link
-Encrypt your homefolder when you install the OS of your choice

3.) Believe it or not, all the encrpytion,tor,vpn, vps's, and proxies will not save you if you don't do
one simple step... change your fucking mac address everytime.
In linux:
-install macchanger
Code: Select all
ifconfig interface down
macchanger -r interface
ifconfig interface up

4.) Do not upload pictures online taken by your phone, there have been a few Anonymous hackers
caught and are rotting in jail atm. Whenever one takes a pic with said phone, it embeds it with a
GPS cord of where you took that pic. Plus there could be features within the picture itself that can
give away who you are.

5.) Leave your ego for Call of Duty and your buddies. The more you talk about yourself, the
more the other guy or LE can build a profile on you. If your talking about how hitler did nothing
wrong on /pol/ all day while hacking Israel with #OPIsrael ... your gunna get caught real fast.
Topiary got nailed for bragging on Xbox Live.
6.) A word about DNS.... never use your ISP's even with daily activities.

That pretty much cover's it, when I get more time and resources i'll post more. Im gunna take
initative and try rebuilding the content of this website to the best of my ability. Luck for you guys I
copy pasted a lot of the good tidbits and from other places. Don't expect fraud copy pastes from me
though, the Wiki is alive and well.