Monday, April 4, 2016

Vikings discovered America NOT Columbo

Vikings discovered America NOT Columbo

Hello, this post is not 100% technology related, in it I will tell you about some very recent developments on Viking explorations (2 days old) and how Vikings discovered America much sooner then Columbo ever did.

The main accepted theory about who discovered America points to Christopher Columbos and his fleet of three ships. Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, who set sail from Spain in 1492, with the idea to reach India. But due to good fortune they found America instead.

This was mainly accepted as the first real exploration in American soil by foreign persons. It was! because recently proofs were found that the Vikings discovered America at least 500 years in advance from Columbo.

So from now on hopefully History books will start to get rewritten and show the real story.

[caption id="attachment_2130" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Vikings discovered America Space Archaeologist Sarah Parcak, pictured here with BBC presenter Dan Snow, says she may have unearthed a second Viking settlement in North America.[/caption]

The archaeologists team that made this recent discovery, based their work on the Viking Sagas, and used satellite technology. With this discovery a new professional term is getting used "Space Archaeologist" and Iam starting to think about changing my job, just to have a business card saying that Iam a Space Archaeologist!


[caption id="attachment_2129" align="aligncenter" width="300"]2nd viking settlement america 2nd viking settlement america[/caption]

Some quotes from the article:
A team of archaeologists say they’ve made a potentially “seismic” discovery in Canada that could “rewrite the history of Vikings in the New World” — and they did it with the help of medieval sagas and the latest satellite technology.

According to these stories, many of them featuring “larger-than-life heroes,” the Vikings had made the first European voyage to North America — at least 500 years before Christopher Columbus.

In the 1960s, archaeologists determined that a site on the northernmost tip of Newfoundland in Canada — L’Anse aux Meadows — had been a Viking settlement, established about a millennium before. The discovery changed the history of European exploration in the New World and proved the sagas were not simply works of fiction.

Thanks largely to the work of Sarah Parcak, a leading space archaeologist, evidence has been unearthed of a possible second Viking site in North America — and it’s located about 300 miles further south than L’Anse aux Meadows.

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Stay tuned I will upload something new very soon, thanks.


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