Saturday, April 16, 2016

google algorithms the secret for SEO

google algorithms

Seo and google algorithms

On this post I will talk about SEO and the recent Google algorithms that are making the life harder for most webmasters.

A lot of persons are asking me to post more SEO articles and software download links etc, due to the very fast success this webpage is having with thousands of visitors despite being little more then 1 month old. So due to popular demand! I will reveal some secrets about the google algorithms.

It is completely essential to know this by heart so you can get your website or blog flying through the ranks of every search engine and not just google. (Most webpages will rank others according to Google position)

The google algorithms Iam going to talk about on this post are:

watch movies online free

Panda Algorithmhidemyass


Penguin Update


Penalty Algorithms


Domain Name MatchThis


Hummingbird Algorithm


PDF Algorithm



Penguin Update
This algorithm’s primary purpose is to look for over-optimization factors on
website pages and other factors such as linking. This algorithm is more of a shakeup
algorithm. It runs periodically to shake things up and other algorithms that run later
actually reverse most of the effects of this algorithm within two to four weeks.

Penalty Algorithms
These are algorithms that are run by Google that penalize websites based on certain
criteria. Such criteria as links from porn or hate websites, links from certain identified
paid link farms, unnatural link building, negative reviews, negative PR, duplicate content,
high bounce rates which can indicate that that visitors were not finding what they were
searching for on the website and the visitor left quickly, and many other factors.
Google has many of these and some run just once, some run once a year, and some run
all the time.
Domain Name MatchThis is an algorithm we began in the summer of 2012 when Google announced the
algorithm to scare people from getting or using keyword matching domains. What does
this mean? Say you have a roofing company in Miami and people search on Google for
“Miami roofing company”. To help you in Google’s results, you buy the domain name
Miami to help you become relevant for that key term. Google uses
this algorithm to make that domain name drop in its results for the keyword.

This is really another algorithm that runs to shake things up. Google wants to be the
phone book for the Internet. The problem with this algorithm for Google is that when the
algorithm runs, many of the domains that are exact matches are well known brand names
and Google has really had to turn this algorithm down and it is not very effective.
Manual Intervention
This is something new. It is a process where Google’s technical team members can
give a manual penalty to a website for just about any reason or take a penalty away. Most
are websites that are given penalties are for bad press, bad PR, or using paid linking or
link farms.
Hummingbird Algorithm
This algorithm made headlines and so much misleading information was written about
this algorithm and what it does. In October of the year it came out, Matt Cutts form
Google admitted that it has nothing to do with SEO and works to help with full sentence
searches most often used with voice searches.
PDF Algorithm
Believe it or not there is an algorithm that gives PDFs with a keyword relevance
enough to make it on to the first page.

NOTE: Each algorithm takes a tremendous amount of processing power and must filter against billions
and billions of items in Google’s databases. Most only run periodically and some only run a few times a

Yahoo steps against Hackers

Yahoo steps in to try and stop foreign Hackers

Yahoo stepsYahoo steps in to warn its users against foreign hackers; Yahoo has become another big tech company which has decided to warn its users if their account is or has been a target of foreign hacker. Google started giving out such warnings in 2012 followed by Facebook and Twitter.
Yahoo said in its statement that it will send users notifications if, “We strongly suspect that you may have been a target of an attack, and want to encourage you to take steps to secure your online presence.”

Hackers from countries such as China and Russia can not crack corporate or government agency networks often go for employees’ or relatives’ personal accounts which they can use to send email with malware to the real target. Several studies have shown a very bright chance that same password is being used by most of the people across all social and work networks and log on to work network from home are easy targets for the hackers.
The incidents like Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Office of Personnel Management are part of such attacks by the hackers from North Korea and China.


[caption id="attachment_2645" align="alignleft" width="150"]Tom Kellermann on Yahoo steps Tom Kellermann[/caption]

Tom Kellermann, chief cyber security officer at the Tokyo-based security company Trend Micro said that the hackers are not looking for the Christmas photos from the accounts but are targeting people to fulfill specific objectives such as gaining access to Government or Corporate network.
Kellerman said,” If you are a Fortune 1,000 corporate official, C-level, or a senior executive in the U.S. government, or you are within one degree of separation from them — as in, you are a spouse of them, a child of them or a deputy of them — you will and have been targeted already.”
Al Pascual, director of fraud and security at Javelin Strategy & Research said that,” Consumers in general are not at risk.
You have to be in a specific role for something like this to be likely to occur to you.”
According to him, the industries which are vulnerable to such attacks include financial services, critical infrastructure, defense and politics.
If you get such notification from any social network or email service provider, the first thing to do is to notify your employer.

This denial of the risks, leaves everyone vulnerable to hackers attack, and yahoo will remain to be an amazing target for hackers all across the world, untill yahoo steps up their game and admits to some security flaws


Yahoo steps against hackers



If you wish to protect yourself, from keyloggers, spyware, virus and other malicious software that may steal your private information you can try to get this app:Protect Yourself with Norton Security


Another good choice (less expensive)would be this one: Detect Threats with PCKeeper AntiVirus

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Free Security Tips

On this article I will give you some great Security Tips. This guide will focus on the Windows OS, but it can and should be used with any other OS you may use, just like Mac osX, Linux or even Android. No system is completely safe so we should take some precautions.

Free security Tips

First and foremost we should perform this common tasks.


1. Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly (_

have your Office CD ready. Windows Me, 2000, and XP users can configure automatic updates. Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options.

2. Install a personal firewall.

Both SyGate ( and ZoneAlarm ( offer free versions.

3. Install a free spyware blocker.

[caption id="attachment_2507" align="alignleft" width="300"]Free security Tips Get the complete Norton protection![/caption]

You can always Google for free spyware blocker 2016 this will give you lots of free software to download. But I strongly recommend you get McAfee antivirus from HERE Or the complete Norton Security Deluxe Package HERE




4. Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT, 2000, or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service (this is unrelated to the instant messaging program).

Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services and you'll see Messenger. Right-click and go to Properties. Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye-bye, spam pop-ups! Any good firewall will also stop them.

5. Use strong passwords and change them periodically.

Passwords should have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol. A decent example would be f8izKro@l. This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts. You can check our post on Creating Strong Passwords

6. If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed.

The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Stunning America video from old photos by Alexey Zakharov

America in the beginning of the century!

This is where Alexey Zakharov brings us on this amazing short video.
What we get is a video with the lenght of 3 minutes and 48 seconds, taking us on a wonderful time travel through America during the years of 1910-1920.

[caption id="attachment_2462" align="alignright" width="150"]Stunning America video Work made by Alexey Zakharov. The author of the Stunning America video I will show you below.[/caption]

The author of this masterpiece was Alexey Zakharov. I confess I don't know that much about Alexey Zakharov, all I know is that he is from Russia, and he his an amazing designer with serious 3d and video working skills.
You can take a look at some of his works here: (LINK

This is a travel back in time with some sort of steampunk time machine. Most of the animation was built witch camera projection based on photos from the beginning of 1900.
The video is black and white, it does simulate 3D animation and the music is quite pleasant.

Stunning America video watch it below!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Openvpn configuration for Windows Tutorial

How to setup OpenVPN configuration on Windows

Openvpn configuration for Windows TutorialA. Download and Install OpenVPN GUI

1. Download the latest stable community version of OpenVPN client (Windows Installer) HERE
Note: If you have a 32-bit Operating System, download the 32-bit version of the installer. You
can check your System Type by going to Control Panel > System and Security > System.
2. Open the folder where installer is downloaded and double-click the 'openvpn-install-
<version>.exe' file to begin installation.
3. You may encounter a Security Warning screen: "Do you want to run this software?" If you see
the Security Warning screen, click Run to run the software.
4. The Setup Wizard prompt will appear. Click Next to continue.
5. The OpenVPN license agreement and terms appear. Click I Agree to continue.
6. The component selection dialog appears. Leave all components checked with their default
settings and click Next.
7. Select your destination folder and click Install. Note the Destination Folder location during
install (usually C:\Program Files\OpenVPN)
8. When the installation is complete, click Next.
9. The wizard will notify you of the completion of the installation and prompt you to click Finish.

This are the basic steps to install OpenVPN on any Windows system 

Brave browser Download and review

About Brave Browser

Brave browser is a "new browser" that as the special feature of blocking most ads in a webpage, making it better for the reader to view the content without having to see all the advertisement.

Brendan Eich is the brain behind Brave browser, you may know him from the Mozilla Firefox project, or as the creator of Javascript!

This new browser was first released on January 20 2016. But it is now on version 0.90

Brave browser claims to be faster then any other browser, because it will strip the webpages you visit from displaying advertisement, and from collecting data about yourself. By avoiding webpage cookies and tracking pixels.
Not only Brave browser is faster, it will also be safer, because this new browser not only blocks ads. But it also blocks "Malvertising" avoiding that all sorts of malware find a way into your computer.
Another nice safety feature from the Brave browser is that he as incorporated the plugin https everywhere that encrypts the communication between your browser and the webpage, preventing someone from spying on you.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Linus Torvalds Ted Talk Feb 2016

Linus Torvalds is the person behind Linux.

I will spare you the long bio details, if you are looking for that I suggest you to read his Wikipedia page Here

Linus torvalds Ted Talk


Linus Torvalds Ted Talk review and opinion

In a rare interview with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Linus Torvalds discusses with remarkable openness the personality traits that prompted his unique philosophy of work, engineering and life. "I am not a visionary, I'm an engineer," proclaims Torvalds. "I'm perfectly happy with all the people who are walking around and just staring at the clouds ... but I'm looking at the ground, and I want to fix the pothole that's right in front of me before I fall in."

This are two quotes from this great Ted talk. The video as 21.30 minutes so it is not a boring long interview at all. Everyone can and should take a look at it.

Linus Torvalds is no entertainer, he his a programmer. But the interview gives us access to the "Human" side of Torvalds and as great entertainment value, even if you are not into technology and Linux.

The interview takes us behind the story of how linux was created, and explain how and why Linus Torvalds as chosen to make Linux open source, instead of going the easier commercial route.

The big controversy point on the interview is when Linus Torvalds chooses Edison over Teslateslavsedison

Personally I would take Tesla over Edison any day :) But Torvalds point was that Edison actually got the job done, while Tesla would have great ideas but no final product.

You can watch the video below, or just see it on the official TED webpage LINK



Best Internet Firewall

What is a Internet Firewall? 

An Internet firewall is a machine which is appended (generally) between your site and a wide area network. It gives you a controllable filtering of network activity, permitting selective access to certain internet port numbers (ie: benefits that your machine would somehow or another give to the network in general) and revokes the access to truly well everything else.

Different "kinds" of Firewalls are accessible for different types of networks.

Internet firewalls are a compelling "win big or bust" way to deal with managing external access security, and they have become extremely popular, with the rise of the Internet availability for everyone

Free Internet firewall Download

Here I will give you the download link for one of the best Firewalls for your computer:

Comodo Internet FirewallComodo Firewall

Comodo Firewall is a product from the Comodo Group. Comodo is a private American company dedicated to Computer Security. They offer a wide array of products ranging from Anti virus SSL certificates, Firewalls, Sandbox applications. Pretty much anything you may need to keep your Windows system safe.

The strong points of the Comodo firewall are:

  • No complex configuration Issues — perfect for amateur users

  • Quickly learns user behavior to deliver personalized protection

  • User-friendly, attractive graphical interface

  • Lots of configuration options let techies configure things just as they like

  • DDP-based security keeps you informed and PCs safe

Free Download Here

Why to use a Firewall?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Vivaldi browser Download and Review

Vivaldi is the spiritual successor to the famous, but outclassed Opera web browser. And it was officially launched yesterday 06-04-2016


Some features:

- Vivaldi version 1.0 uses the Webkit/Blink layout engine also used by Google Chrome.

- Vivaldi browser is compatible with Windows, OS X and Linux.

- Distributed as freeware, but it is NOT Open source software.

[caption id="attachment_2271" align="aligncenter" width="300"]vivaldi browser start page vivaldi browser start page[/caption]

This is the Wikipedia LINK



[caption id="attachment_2270" align="alignleft" width="300"]vivaldi browser settings vivaldi browser settings page[/caption]

Because it is so new, I still did not test the browser to exhaustion. But so far from what I have seen everything works great, but it is just another “skin” on top of the Google chrome browser.

I used to like Opera browser very much, while they were using the Presto engine, but since they left it and switched to google, they become just another extension in my opinion.

Security wise, I did not finish my tests, but since they are not FOSS (Free Open Source Software) I would not trust them at all to keep anything private.
Opera browser was well known from selling your browsing activities ( mobile browser, Turbo, etc).

Vivaldi browser will work for you as good as chrome does, with the added advantage of still supporting older OS versions like Windows XP, Vista and older OS X versions. Wich will enable the user too keep getting security updates on their system.

Vivaldi Browser Main features

Adaptive Interface – The color scheme from Vivaldi will adapt to your taste as much as you like, you can change everything, from colors to content placement, bookmark bar placement, etc.

Spatial Navigation – Vivaldi browser allows you to navigate the webpage using your keyboard, not only scrolling UP and DOWN, but also LEFT and RIGHT

Powerful Bookmarks – The Bookmarks feature was enhanced, now you can add tags to your bookmarks and set “nicks” for faster access

Web Panels – With Webpanels, you can “Dock” a Panel to the sidebar of Vivaldi. What this allows you to do, is for example to keep Facebook or Twitter open on the sidepanel, so you can follow any discussion you are engaged in, and still browse other webpages with ease.

[caption id="attachment_2272" align="aligncenter" width="300"]vivaldi browser bookmark manager vivaldi browser bookmark manager[/caption]


Now I leave you with the official Download Link

And Vivaldi Main page Link




As always, If you enjoyed this article please do share it by using the social buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc)

Really soon, I will update with another news article, a onion website review, some downloads, good tips, etc. you will need to pass by again to see what changed.

Stay tuned I will upload something new very soon, thanks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Chess for linux – Jin review and Download

When you switch from Windows to Linux, you will miss some “commercial” software. To be completely honest most of them does not have a Linux version, but do not despair!

All software you run on Windows can eventually be run under Linux.

Unfortunately most of it as a big learning curve to be able to run correctly, and Chess for linux is no exception.
But despite that you can find good and free alternatives to get Chess for linux.

Chess for linux

Today Iam going to guide you on how to obtain a chess client to play online on the FICS (Free Internet Chess Server)
There are a lot of different “clients” to play on FICS as you can see on their webpage LINK.

jin icon

I choose Jin because it is really easy to set up, as a small learning curve, you just need to configure it once, create a link and that's it you can forget it is even there. This will be the easiest solution to get Chess for linux.

So lets start the tutorial to get Jin working with FICS

Jin Download and set-up tutorial

The first step is for you to create a FICS account.

You can do that by browsing to FICS webpage here LINK

Fill the form with First name, user name, email, etc (Be sure to use a real email because you need to click the activation link they are going to send)

Check your email, click the activation link.

Now you have a FICS account, but you still need the software to play chess online on your Linux distro.

Chess for linux


Second step Download Jin.

To always get the latest version, you should proceed to the download through the official Jin website on this LINK

Click on Download Jin, it will start the download of a tar.gz file which works exactly as a ZIP file on Windows.

- After you download the file, open the folder that contains it. Right click and choose “extract here

- Open the folder just created jin-2.14.1 or the version you got.

Double-click jin

Select the first option “Run in Terminal

Choose the server (In this case the second one Free Internet Chess Server)

Login with your username and password.

Chess for linux


And thats it Welcome to Jin and FICS :)


This are the most basic steps to get Jin up and running on your linux OS.

But there are some other important tweaks you should do to personalize your experience and make it easier to use:


Chess for linux







jin iconCreate a Link to Jin on your Desktop

First of all, you do not want to navigate to Jin folder every-time you want to play it right?

Just like in other OS whe need to create a link to Jin application and drag it to your desktop.

To create a link using Linux the easiest way is just to grab the program with your mouse, drag it to where you wish while pressing Ctrl+Shift on your keyboard this will create a link to the file instead of creating a copy of the file.


jin iconChange the link Icon

When you create the link, the Icon it will show, will be the regular Shell command Icon. To change it to “Jin” Icon:

Right click the link on your desktop > select properties > click the icon on the properties page > browse to your Jin folder and click the Icon.


Personalize Jin behavior and feel

To change options like pre move and automatic promotion you need to open Jin.

Log in. Click on Preferences > Chess board… > Moves – And here you can select the Auto promotion option and the Moving in Advance select the (premove)

Feel free to mess around with the remaining menus and set everything to your own taste.

Chess for linux


This is all there is to know to get Jin up and running on your Linux system

* When I first installed Jin I had a problem with sound delay. I would only listen to the piece move, a few seconds after it did. If this is happening to you. The probable cause is your JAVA version. The fix is simply to download Oracle Java, from your Linux Distro Repository, or from Oracle official Webpage Here: LINK

Chess for linux



As always, If you enjoyed this article please do share it by using the social buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc)
Really soon, I will update with another news article, a onion website review, some downloads, good tips, etc. you will need to pass by again to see what changed.
Stay tuned with securityfreak, thanks.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tails - Get your privacy back

Tails, because there is never too much security!tailslinux

Almost all O.S. (Operating systems) like Windows, Mac, Ios, Ubuntu, Android, etc will track you and send your details to other persons.

This means that for you to become secure, first and foremost you will need to increase your privacy.

On this post I will guide you step by step on how to achieve this.
Following this steps, In the end you will get a fully working O.S. running on your computer from a pen drive!

The system that I will recommend you to use is named Tails, it is a Unix based system, specially design to keep your online activity anonymous.

You are going to need a Internet connection to download the ISO and a Pen drive (4gb is enough for what you will need)

Lets start with the instructions

Step by step guide to create a bootable Pen disk with Tails the anonymous system

Tails USB

end-to-end encryption

end-to-end encryption and its importance

end-to-end encryption

Hello, this article will focus on end-to-end encryption. I will briefly explain what it is, why you should use it, and how to use end-to-end encryption to send your data.

Lets start with some basics:
End-to-end encryption means that data (including communications data) is encrypted at your end, and decrypted only at the intended recipient’s end. The important point is that no ‘middle man’ who can access your unencrypted data is involved. Because a middle man can always be regarded as suspect, end-to-end-encryption should be seen as an absolute must if you care about security.

A case in point is Microsoft, who while they encrypt all emails and files held in SkyDrive, also hold the encryption keys, and used these to unlock the emails and files of its 250 million worldwide users for inspection by the NSA. 

Basically, services that encrypt your data on their servers, rather than you encrypting your own data on your own machine, should be strongly avoided.
The terrifying scale of the NSA’s attack on public cryptography and its deliberate weakening of common international encryption standards has demonstrated that no proprietary software can be trusted; even software specifically designed with security in mind. It is now a proven fact that the NSA has co-opted or coerced hundreds of technology companies into building backdoors into their programs, or otherwise weakening security in order to allow the NSA access. US and UK companies are particularly suspect, although the reports make it clear that company’s across the world have acceded to NSA demands.

The problem with proprietary software is not just that as sole developers and owners, companies can be fairly easily approached and convinced to play ball with the NSA, but that their source code is kept secret, making it easy to add to or modify in dodgy ways without anyone noticing.

The best answer to this problem is to use free open source software (FOSS). Often jointly developed by disparate and otherwise unconnected individuals, the source code is available to everyone to examine and peer-review, thereby minimizing the chances that it has been tampered with. Ideally this code should also be compatible other implementations, in order to minimize the possibility of a back-door being built in.

It is of course possible that NSA agents have infiltrated open source development groups and introduced malicious code without anyone’s knowledge, and the sheer amount of code that many projects involve means that it is often almost impossible to fully peer-review all of it.

Still, despite these potential pitfalls, FOSS remains the most reliable and least likely to be tampered with software available, and if you truly care about privacy you should try to use it exclusively (up to and including using FOSS Operating Systems such as Linux).

On this Article I tell you how to obtain and use PGP to encrypt your files LINK

As always, If you enjoyed this article please do share it by using the social buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc)

Really soon, I will update with another news article, a onion website review, some downloads, good tips, etc. you will need to pass by again to see what changed.

Stay tuned I will upload something new very soon, thanks.

Vikings discovered America NOT Columbo

Vikings discovered America NOT Columbo

Hello, this post is not 100% technology related, in it I will tell you about some very recent developments on Viking explorations (2 days old) and how Vikings discovered America much sooner then Columbo ever did.

The main accepted theory about who discovered America points to Christopher Columbos and his fleet of three ships. Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, who set sail from Spain in 1492, with the idea to reach India. But due to good fortune they found America instead.

This was mainly accepted as the first real exploration in American soil by foreign persons. It was! because recently proofs were found that the Vikings discovered America at least 500 years in advance from Columbo.

So from now on hopefully History books will start to get rewritten and show the real story.

[caption id="attachment_2130" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Vikings discovered America Space Archaeologist Sarah Parcak, pictured here with BBC presenter Dan Snow, says she may have unearthed a second Viking settlement in North America.[/caption]

The archaeologists team that made this recent discovery, based their work on the Viking Sagas, and used satellite technology. With this discovery a new professional term is getting used "Space Archaeologist" and Iam starting to think about changing my job, just to have a business card saying that Iam a Space Archaeologist!


[caption id="attachment_2129" align="aligncenter" width="300"]2nd viking settlement america 2nd viking settlement america[/caption]

Some quotes from the article:
A team of archaeologists say they’ve made a potentially “seismic” discovery in Canada that could “rewrite the history of Vikings in the New World” — and they did it with the help of medieval sagas and the latest satellite technology.

According to these stories, many of them featuring “larger-than-life heroes,” the Vikings had made the first European voyage to North America — at least 500 years before Christopher Columbus.

In the 1960s, archaeologists determined that a site on the northernmost tip of Newfoundland in Canada — L’Anse aux Meadows — had been a Viking settlement, established about a millennium before. The discovery changed the history of European exploration in the New World and proved the sagas were not simply works of fiction.

Thanks largely to the work of Sarah Parcak, a leading space archaeologist, evidence has been unearthed of a possible second Viking site in North America — and it’s located about 300 miles further south than L’Anse aux Meadows.

Link to source


As always, If you enjoyed this article please do share it by using the social buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc)

Really soon, I will update with another news article, a onion website review, some downloads, good tips, etc. you will need to pass by again to see what changed.

Stay tuned I will upload something new very soon, thanks.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Wireless-powered communication network Arriving

Sending power over a wireless network will be a reality really soon!

The lifelong dream from Nikola Tesla of Wireless electrical energy transmission ( is closer to become a reality.


But, harvesting power from RF is a bad idea because of how much power is lost in transmission. instead, they should be harvesting existing power source like light. properly designed systems can be ultra-low power if designed correctly and run on millifarads a day. believe it or not, a solar cell harvesting indoor lighting is enough to power a microprocessor in real time though it would be better to have a MEMS sensor waking up the microprocessor to collect it's latest measurement. the real problem comes in reporting the data back to the hub because RF is a HUGE power hog. you can use it just fine but not very long, so you transmit your collected data and turn off the RF until the next scheduled broadcast.

tesla tower